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Electric Pink Lemonade

Electric Pink Lemonade


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THC 90.08%


AlphaPinene: 0.13% | AlphaTerpineneValue: 0.09% | BetaCaryophyllene: 0.12% | BetaMyrcene: 0.19% | BetaPinene: 0.17% | CBN: 0.19% | Humulene: 0.05% | Limonene: 1.56% | Terpinolene: 0.13% | THC: 90.08% | TotalTerpenes: 2.68% -- Hi*AF's Electric pink lemonade is a zesty blend that will have your taste buds doing the tango! Our Electric Pink Lemonade captures the tartness of freshly squeezed lemons, jolting your senses awake. It’s like sipping sunshine during a summer storm. -- Hi*AF vapes are a blend of premium-quality liquid diamond concentrate with vivid, amazing flavors. When you get Hi*AF, the stars seem brighter and your tasty dreams take flight, with delicious Indica, Sativa, & Hybrid varieties to deliver an amazing experience & take you wherever you want to go. Elevate your favorite activities and rise to any occasion with Hi*AF! Whether you are hanging at the beach with friends, hiking your favorite trail, catching the most spectacular concert of the year, or just looking to chill at the end of a long day - Hi*AF has the flavor and effect for you! Get Hi*AF and live an amazingly flavorful life!
