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Tequila Mints x Lemon Icee

Tequila Mints x Lemon Icee

Good Green



THC 26.06%


7G: AlphaPinene: 0.19% | BetaCaryophyllene: 0.36% | BetaMyrcene: 0.69% | BetaPinene: 0.15% | CaryophylleneOxide: 0.03% | CBDa: 0.06% | CBGA: 1.2% | Humulene: 0.1% | Limonene: 1.08% | Linalool: 0.35% | Terpinolene: 0.03% | THC: 26.06% | TotalTerpenes: 3.34% -- 14G: AlphaPinene: 0.21% | BetaCaryophyllene: 0.34% | BetaMyrcene: 0.73% | BetaPinene: 0.15% | CBDa: 0.04% | CBGA: 1.13% | Humulene: 0.09% | Limonene: 1.02% | Linalool: 0.34% | Terpinolene: 0.02% | THC: 25.65% | TotalTerpenes: 3.25% -- Tequila Mintz x Lemon Icee #6 is a hybrid, sativa leaning cross , It has a strong floral scent with undertones of pine and citrus -- and the flavor is the same. With a slower onset, it’s a great start for consumers new to cannabis. Plus the blend of social energy with mood enhancement and full body relaxation makes it a great way to ease into cannabis, or just unwinding and chilling out at the end of a long day.
