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Gush Mints x MAC

Gush Mints x MAC

SunMed Labs



THC 75.12%


AlphaPinene: 0.8% | AlphaTerpineneValue: 0.04% | BetaCaryophyllene: 0.23% | BetaMyrcene: 0.8% | BetaPinene: 0.06% | CBDa: 0.14% | CBG: 0.11% | Limonene: 2.36% | Linalool: 0.12% | Terpinolene: 0.23% | THC: 75.12% | TotalTerpenes: 5.53% -- MAC 1, also known as “Miracle Alien Cookies X1.” Is an evenly balanced hybrid strain created as a backcross of the iconic MAC strain. This celebrity child takes the beloved effects of MAC and amps it up a notch to a whole new level, with a super lifted feeling that will have you flying higher and higher the more that you toke.
