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Fade Co.



THC 0.76%


3.5G: AlphaPinene: 0.03% | BetaCaryophyllene: 0.71% | BetaMyrcene: 0.18% | BetaPinene: 0.07% | CBCA: 0.26% | CBDa: 0.08% | CBG: 0.26% | CBGA: 0.71% | Limonene: 0.52% | Linalool: 0.05% | THC: 28.7% | THCVA: 0.1% | TotalTerpenes: 1.97% -- 3.5G: AlphaPinene: 0.07% | BetaCaryophyllene: 0.24% | BetaMyrcene: 0.56% | BetaPinene: 0.15% | CBCA: 0.21% | CBG: 0.12% | CBGA: 0.44% | Limonene: 0.72% | Linalool: 0.1% | THC: 0.76% | THC9: 0.19% | THCVA: 0.81% | TotalTerpenes: 2% -- Juggernaut is a potent indica-dominant marijuana strain made by crossing BC Hash Plant and Space Queen. Smoking this strain produces a strong high that creeps up slowly. Juggernaut will make you feel creative before moving you into a state of haze and sedation. This strain features a fruity and spicy flavor profile that will remind you of your favorite indicas. The sour and dank notes on the exhale of Juggernaut lets everyone around you know someone is consuming cannabis, so be sure to enjoy this strain when discretion is not a high priority. This strain produces beautiful, minty green nugs that sparkle with a generous frosting of trichomes.
