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Top 10 Best Things to Do While High

There’s not much that being high doesn’t make more fun. (Okay, maybe taxes.)

Thanks to the unique way the active ingredients in cannabis interact with our brains and bodies, these plants have the power to transform the way we experience the world and can make even the mundane more enjoyable. So while a list of fun things to do while high could stretch into infinity, we’ve prepared a highly curated list of what we humbly believe really are the best things to do while high.

Along the way, we’ll share a little bit about the science behind being high, exploring just why some things are more fun when we’re a little bit stoned. By the end, you’ll have a solid understanding of exactly how and why cannabis alters our perceptions to make ordinary things enjoyable—and great things incredible!

Why Does Cannabis Make Things More Fun?

If you’ve ever been high, you know for yourself the feeling of contentment, euphoria, and wonder it inspires. At the risk of “letting the magic out of the bag,” those delightful sensations are courtesy of the impact that cannabis has on brain chemicals, neurotransmitters such as serotonin, GABA, and dopamine. And for our purposes today, dopamine is the key one to focus on.

Pre Rolls with Buds

On a technical level, dopamine is a neurohormone, a powerful compound that’s produced in several areas of the brain. And it’s a critical player in the functioning of our “reward center,” helping to regulate such functions as memory, movement, motivation, mood, attention, and others. Many things can trigger the release of dopamine: dancing, playing music, having sex, or playing games. Basically, everything you do that involves craving of some kind—like wanting to repeat a pleasurable experience—is tied up with what’s known as “the dopamine rush.”

The Relationship Between Dopamine and Cannabis

Given what you already know about dopamine, it shouldn’t come as a huge surprise that cannabis stimulates the release of dopamine too. A number of studies have decoded this relationship, so it’s fairly well understood. One way to look at what cannabis does in this scenario is to “turn up the volume” on activities we already find enjoyable.

But cannabis does more than this. As any of us who’ve found that being high can make even menial tasks become fascinating already know, one aspect of cannabis is that its psychoactivity can make what’s familiar seem new. As an article in Psychology Today memorably puts it:

“Music sparkles. Nature comes alive. The details of flowers fascinate. Fireplace flames inspire awe. Fresh baked brownies are to die for. The whole of life becomes more extravagant.”

All that to say: Cannabis has the potential to make things feel a lot more fun. Which is a perfect segue into our curated list: The best things to do while high!

Top 10 Best Things to Do While High: A Curated List

1. Bake a Cake

We’ve written previously on the best foods to eat high, and how the munchies are very definitely a real thing. But adding the task of actually baking while baked significantly ups both the challenge and the enjoyment. Baking is already a childhood pleasure—come on, who didn’t love measuring out powdery flour or stirring goopy batter?—and doing it high adds a bewitching tactile element Plus, you’ll have a tasty treat at the end of it!

2. Take in a Movie

Sure, it may sound like low-hanging fruit, but watching movies while stoned rules. Because cannabis has the curious ability to seem to warp our sense of time—especially when it comes to sound—the sensory aspects of movies can take on a nearly eerie intensity, amping up the fun and making you feel as though you’re actually experiencing what’s happening on-screen. Whether it’s in the comfort of your own home or a real-live movie theater, kicking back and falling into the action ranks as one of the top things to do while high.

3. Go Take a Hike

No really, we mean it! Trust us: If you haven’t enjoyed the great outdoors high, prepare yourself for an awe-inspiring experience. From the bodily pleasure of stretching your legs and filling your lungs with fresh air, to the sight of sunlight streaming through the foliage or reflecting off a still lake or river, being high makes nature even more enjoyable. We’ve shared hiking guides for places such as Frederick, MD; pull up a hiking guide for your city or town and see what the options are. Just remember to stay within your level of ability—and bring plenty of water!

4. Anyone for Chess?

We’ve shared a list of the best games to play high before, but there’s one we left off: Chess. No need to be intimidated by this timeless game—which actually dates back some 1,400 years to the Gupta Empire of ancient India. It really doesn’t matter whether you’re Garry Kasparov or Scooby Doo: Chess is a deceptively simple-seeming game with many levels of sophistication. Try it high and you may find the hours sliding by as you fight for supremacy of the chessboard. Keep good snacks on hand in case you get stumped!

5. Clean Your Home

Hear us out. While scrubbing the shower might sound like kind of a drag, doing it when stoned is a different thing entirely. Cleaning when high relieves stress, makes a mundane job more enjoyable, and allows us to focus on simple, needful tasks. Plus, when it’s all over, you have a sparkly clean house! That’s a win-win in our book.

6. Yoga: Stretch Your Body (and Your Mind)

If you’ve never tried yoga high, you’re in for a treat. Because it’s designed to bring you ever deeper into your experience of the body, this ancient Indian breathwork and stretching discipline is tailor-made for enjoying while high. Long, deep stretches can take on a nearly mystical quality, and we guarantee you’ll come out of the experience with a newfound respect for breath, balance, posture, and what your body and mind are capable of. As with all physical things to do when high, just be sure you don’t push too far past your natural flexibility and abilities.

7. Music, Sweet Music

We’ve explored the intersection of cannabis and music before, and how the cannabis plant’s curious ability to seemingly warp time and space make the sound of music one of the most entrancing activities possible. And whether all you’ve got are some cheap earbuds or you’ve got the steam to go out and take in a live concert, enjoying music while high is surely one of life’s peak experiences.

8. Get Crafty

For some of us, breaking out the paints, yarn, or other crafting supplies can feel like pressure to produce something. But from our perspective, the true pleasure of making things by hand is that the end result doesn’t really matter: It’s the process of using our fingers that’s the gift. With that in mind, we challenge you to get messy with watercolors, finger paints, glue sticks, and all the other craft projects you forgot could be so much fun.

9. Get Out in the Garden

Even if you live in an apartment in the middle of the city, you can still indulge your green thumb! Whether you’ve got a full yard or just a couple of plants in the corner of your living room, running your fingers through the dirt and communing with our leafy green friends ranks as one of the most fun things to do while high.

10. Take in a Live Show

Whether it’s a concert, a play, stand-up comedy, or any other live performance, a produced event that would have ordinarily been a treat for the senses can feel even more impactful and immersive when high. With heightened senses, you may appreciate detail and nuance in a new way, or experience a wider range of emotion than you normally would. Simply put, the experience of live shows is amplified when enjoyed high.

Stock Up on Fun at the Nearest Green Goods Dispensary

As we’ve seen, cannabis has a broad effect in terms of what we find enjoyable. Because it alters the release of dopamine—the neurotransmitter most associated with the concept of reward—cannabis “turns up the volume” on activities we find enjoyable. Beyond this, its ability to make commonplace activities feel novel and new is a key component of being high. And it helps explain why even things like doing a deep-clean in the bathroom can be fun and rewarding.

If today’s post has gotten you all fired up about enjoying yourself, we can help with that! Start off by selecting the Maryland or Minnesota dispensary closest to you, and then browse our menu of fresh, locally grown flower, yummy edibles, potent concentrates, and more!

Have any other questions about fun things to do while high—or any other cannabis-related topics? Just ask one of our friendly budtenders or drop us a line. We’re always here to help!