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Get Energized: A Guide to Limonene’s Effects, Benefits, and More

If you’ve ever detected a bright and citrus-ey aroma in your cannabis, it’s a safe bet you’re smelling the limonene terpene. But…what is citrus doing in cannabis?

For the answers to this question, we’re going to take a deep dive into the world of terpenes and the still-emerging science of how this ubiquitous family of chemicals can produce powerful effects in the human body.

Are you ready? Let’s get started.

Terpenes: Earth’s Secret Aroma and Flavor Factories

Why do different strains of cannabis smell like everything from sweet fruits to woodsy pine to pungent fuel and even musty cheese? It all comes down to the family of aromatic oils known as terpenes.

Terpenes—also known as “terpenoids”—are the largest and most diverse group of naturally occurring compounds found on Earth. There are over 20,000 known varieties of terpene found throughout the plant and animal kingdoms and beyond. In the cannabis world, terpenes are the major players in every strain’s unique scent and taste.

The limonene terpene is a heavy hitter as the second most abundant found in cannabis behind another terpene called myrcene, though it’s not in every strain.

Why are there terpenes in cannabis in the first place? They’re not there simply to entice us! These often-pungent aromatic oils are the plant’s natural defense, warding off harmful pests while attracting beneficial pollinators to the plant’s ripening flowers.

What Is Limonene? A Zippy and Popular Terpene

Beyond the world of cannabis, countless other plants and natural products contain limonene. The most obvious place is in the rinds of citrus fruits such as oranges and lemons, as well as plants and herbs such as lemongrass and citronella.

That pleasing lemony scent finds its way into countless products we interact with on a daily basis, from skin creams to fragrances to medicinal ointments to household cleansers.

But whether they’re found in the wild or in a bottle of dish soap, terpenes are much more than “pretty smells.” Beyond their aromatic characteristics, a growing number of studies suggest a wide range of limonene terpene benefits.

Limonene’s Potential Effects, Benefits, and Uses

Mood Support

Have you ever inhaled a bracing hit of lemon and suddenly felt lighter? You’re not imagining it: As suggested by several clinical studies, limonene has a positive effect on our mood. That cheerful aroma can reduce stress, acting a bit like a plant-based antidepressant. Still other studies suggest that limonene boosts the production of serotonin and dopamine, two bodily chemicals that play vital roles in supporting our overall mood and mental well-being.

Gut Support

Speaking of which, that’s the perfect cue to segue into a new and still-developing theory about our mental health: That our digestive tract functions somewhat like a “second brain.” Believe it or not, our gut transmits important signals to the rest of our body about our emotional well-being, and so it may come as no surprise that research suggests that limonene helps support healthy gut function.

Bacteria Fighting

If you follow medical news, you may be concerned with the rise of so-called “superbugs,” bacteria and fungi that resist traditional medications. That’s one reason we’re excited by research suggesting limonene exhibits antibacterial and antifungal properties. Studies show it helps fight stubborn fungal infections, including athlete’s foot. Compared with other antifungals, the chemical structure of the limonene terpene makes it more readily absorbable. This suggests that in the future, this all-natural medicine could become a valued defense against drug-resistant infections.


Finally, research suggests that—like several other terpenes and cannabinoids—limonene can reduce inflammation. Beyond the obvious benefits for pain relief, limonene could be working behind the scenes to help support us as we age. One study showed that limonene reduced inflammatory markers related to osteoarthritis, a condition that’s characterized by chronic inflammation.

At least anecdotally, many strains with high levels of the limonene terpene are known for their ability to relieve physical pain. So if your mental strain is paired up with some body-aches, try seeking out a limonene-rich strain. It may just help your mind and body take a real break from all of life’s stressors.

Limonene and the Ensemble Effect

While many of the compounds found in cannabis impart a variety of effects in our bodies, one intriguing line of study holds that they actually work better in partnership with the other active ingredients in cannabis. That’s the idea behind the ensemble effect (sometimes known as the “entourage effect”).

First proposed by Dr. Raphael Mechoulam—the Israeli researcher who identified THC as the source of cannabis’ euphoric “high”—the theory suggests a large number of potential synergies and interactions between cannabis terpenes and cannabinoids such as THC and CBD.

Some research supports the theory so far, though exactly how it works remains unknown for the moment. Here at Green Goods, we’re intrigued by the idea that cannabis products containing the entire spectrum of beneficial compounds might be more powerful and effective than individual extracts and distillations. Want to go deeper? Read more about the ensemble effect and how it works.

Limonene-Rich Strains to Explore

Interested in finding limonene in cannabis for yourself? We can help with that!

Oil bottle

In Maryland, we’re proud to feature Lemon Royale, a sativa-dominant hybrid cultivated by District Cannabis that delivers a burst of energized, creative euphoria. And in Minnesota, we offer Rotten Citrus by Vireo. Don’t be put off by the name, though: Behind the strong sour citrus aroma is a balanced, energizing, and creative high that many fans love for daytime use.

The Limonene Terpene: Wrapping Up

We very much hope you’ve enjoyed this deep dive into the aromatic world of the terpenes! As the fragrant oils that give different strains their unique flavors and aromas, they’re a crucial part of the cannabis ecosystem, and few are as impactful as limonene.

Why? In addition to that unforgettable bright and lemony scent, limonene lends a very special something to cannabis, imparting a unique mood-boosting effect as well as some powerful medical benefits. Whether you’re interested in taming inflammation, chasing away anxiety, or just catching a little extra “Ahhhh” in your high, seeking out limonene-rich cannabis strains might be just what the doctor ordered.

If you have any other questions about the limonene terpene, cannabis compounds or any other cannabis-related topics, just drop us a line. We’re always here to help. And if you’d like to learn about a softer and more relaxing cannabis terpene, check out our post on linalool.