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How to Smoke Flower: An All-Inclusive Guide

If you’re a regular at your local dispensary, then you’re probably up to date on all the new ways to consume cannabis. Today, you can find THC-infused oral solutions, tablets, edibles, soft gels—the list goes on. So, if you didn’t know any better, you might think that good ol’ cannabis flower has gone by the wayside. Let us assure you, this couldn’t be further from the truth—and if you want to get the most out of your bud, it’s imperative to light up properly to enhance the overall smoking experience.

While there’s no single “best way” to smoke flower, you can learn how to derive maximum benefit, enjoyment, and value from your cannabis purchases. Whether you’re looking for specific medical benefits like reducing symptoms—or just want an all-natural way to relax with friends and family—we want to ensure you’re getting the best results possible.

What Part of the Cannabis Plant Do You Smoke?

Although they don’t resemble the flowers you’d see in a florist’s shop, cannabis flower is just that: The flower of the female cannabis plant. However, we don’t smoke cannabis flower directly off the plant. Instead, it’s carefully dried and cured after harvest to ensure it will burn readily and be easy to consume. This post-harvest process also helps the end cannabis nugs be free of mold or other contaminants and remain shelf-stable.

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Smoked flower is popular among many cannabis fans since it tends to be the most familiar, intuitive, and fastest-acting way to access cannabinoids like THC and CBD. Plus, a lot of consumers were introduced to cannabis through smoking ground flower as their first consumption method.

However, smoking any combusted plant matter introduces potential irritants into your airways and lungs. And while initial research supports the notion that smoking cannabis flower is generally safer than smoking other plants like tobacco, it’s still important to be aware of the potential risks.

How To Smoke Flower

If you’re interested in smoking flower, you’ll need a way to light it up and to know how to consume it properly. And while the best way to smoke flower is really a matter of personal taste, here are a few of the most common ways.

Use a Pipe or Bong

Arguably, the simplest way of smoking flower is through a hand pipe, sometimes called a bowl, or a bong, also known as a water pipe. These devices can be as elaborate as a one-of-a-kind multi-chamber tabletop unit or as simple as a small and plain handheld pipe. If you’re in a pinch, you can even make a cannabis pipe with an apple or other types of fruits and vegetables—though that’s not recommended for frequent smoke sessions.

Whatever device you use, the directions are essentially the same:

  1. Break down your cannabis flower with a grinder or your hands.
  2. Load a pinch of ground flower into the bowl of your pipe or bong.
  3. When you’re ready, move an ignited lighter or lit match in a circular motion just above the flower while gently inhaling through the mouthpiece. The idea is to draw in enough air to induce the flame to ignite the flower and inhale a moderate amount of smoke into your lungs.
  4. Wait a moment, then gently exhale.

In addition to providing their characteristic and pleasing sounds, bongs have a filtering and cooling effect on cannabis smoke, so when you take your draw, the smoke won’t feel as harsh as it would coming straight through a pipe.

With smoked flower, we recommend you wait at least 5 – 10 minutes before consuming any more to allow the cannabis you already inhaled to take effect.

Light Up a Joint or Pre-Roll

Cannabis flower can also be smoked in a joint or pre-roll with a filter and rolling paper, similar to a cigarette. Pre-rolls are just that: joints already rolled and ready to smoke. Some people choose to hand-roll their own joints, but depending on your preferences, the ease of a ready-made pre-roll can be the better option.

Smoking a joint or pre-roll is just as easy as smoking flower from a bowl:

  1. Before placing the pre-roll between your lips, hold a lighter or match at or near the tip of the pre-roll while rolling it between your fingers
  2. Watch to make sure it lights and burns evenly
  3. Once it’s burning, bring the pre-roll to your lips and gently inhale the smoke

If you are new to pre-rolls, start with small inhalations. Once you see how this consumption method affects you, you can always adjust.

How to Dose Cannabis Flower

A common question that comes up around smoking flower is: How much is the right amount? It depends. Some consumers may derive greater benefits from lower amounts of cannabis, in particular the cannabinoid THC, which is responsible for cannabis’s intoxicating effects.

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According to Straingenie, a company that offers personalized cannabis recommendations through DNA testing, it was calculated that when the average person smokes flower through a pipe or bowl, they inhale roughly 12 mg of THC per hit. However, the amount depends on the specific strain and its THC content. By comparison, the same source estimates that an average hit from a joint delivers roughly 3.33 mg of THC.

The exact effects that occur from inhaling at each of these dosages depend on your biology and metabolism. Since we’re all a bit different, there’s no single answer. But, we can provide some insights on the most commonly reported effects:

  • 1 – 2.5 mg THC: Mild relief of pain, stress, and anxiety; heightened focus and creativity. This dose can be great for first-time consumers or more experienced cannabis smokers interested in microdosing.
  • 2.5 – 15 mg THC: Stronger relief of symptoms; euphoria; impaired coordination and perception. Dosages in this range may offer a sense of relaxation.
  • 50 mg THC: Strong euphoria; significant impacts on coordination and perception. Considered a high dose, this range may work best for regular cannabis smokers or for patients managing their symptoms.
  • 50 – 100 mg THC: Seriously impacts coordination and perception; possible unpleasant side effects, including nausea and increased heart rate. Very high doses of THC in this range may be a good option for medical patients or consumers with a high tolerance to THC.

How Long Do the Effects of Smoking Flower Last?

If you smoked a lot of flower and you’re feeling a little disoriented—or even paranoid—you may be too high. If that’s the case, we can assure you that you’re going to be fine and that it won’t last forever. Though it may feel like you’re spiraling or experiencing incredibly anxious thoughts, it’s generally considered close to impossible to overdose on cannabis.

The high from smoking flower can usually last about one to three hours, although several variables go into the duration of your experience. Your tolerance to THC will mostly dictate how long its effects will last for you, along with your individual metabolism, weight, and other biological factors. To help speed your body’s metabolism of the THC, drink a medium glass of orange juice and wait 45 minutes. You should start to feel incrementally better with time.

Tips and Best Practices for Smoking Flower

Cannabis is a dried flower that’s rich in trichomes, the resinous glands that coat cannabis and contain precious cannabinoids like THC and CBD, so it should be handled carefully.

When you’re preparing to smoke flower, carefully crumble off a small amount onto a smooth surface and, using clean fingertips or a grinder, break it up into tiny pieces. No matter what device you’re using—bong, bowl, pipe, or joint—the idea is to reduce the flower into small, even particles for fast and uniform burning. If the crumb is too big, you run the risk of leaving its inside uncombusted – wasting THC.

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When you’re not packing a bowl or filling a joint, your flower should be stored in an airtight, neutral container such as a stash jar. Keep it in a dark and reasonably dry environment—ideally below 70°F.

Shop Premium Flower at Green Goods

When you understand what cannabis flower really is—and how much is the right amount for you—you can have greater enjoyment and a better overall experience when smoking it. Over time, you’ll get a solid sense of your own tolerance so you can get more from your smoke sessions.

Looking to load your pipe with a new favorite strain? We’ve got you covered. Start by selecting the Maryland or Minnesota dispensary closest to you and browsing our extensive menus filled with high-quality, locally-grown cannabis. Or, stop by any of our locations and ask our friendly budtenders for tips on their favorite new cultivars. We can’t wait to see you!

Have more questions about how to smoke flower or any other cannabis-related topics? Explore our informative blog for the latest science and news, or drop us a line—we’re always here to help.