Here at Green Goods, we’re all for making a night in with Netflix more fun with cannabis. For one thing, watching movies is one of America’s—if not the world’s—greatest pastimes. And for another, watching movies while high turns up the volume on the laughter, the thrills, the chills, and everything else we love the cinema for.
So, in today’s post, we will offer up a well-rounded list of the six best movies to watch high on Netflix right now.
But of course, choosing good movies to watch high is only part of the equation. In addition to some sure-fire titles for fans of all genres, we’ll include some background info on why watching movies high is as much fun as it is, alongside tips for creating a great viewing environment, snack selection, and even some strain recommendations to get you in the right headspace.
Got a cozy blanket? Get ready to snuggle up with Green Goods’ list of best movies to watch while high.
Watching Movies While High: The Science of Being Stoned
First things first: Why are funny movies funny, scary movies scarier, and trippy movies…well, trippier when we’re high?
According to Timothy Fong, a professor of psychiatry with the UCLA Cannabis Research Initiative, “laughing is really a reflex. It’s something that can be triggered spontaneously, by things we see and feel.” And as anyone who’s collapsed on the floor in a giggle-fit knows, cannabis significantly lowers the normal inhibition of this reflex.
What about horror films? As anyone familiar with cannabis knows, being high can have a major impact on our perception of threat. According to Timothy Schultz, director of the Mile High Horror Film Festival:

“This can definitely change the way you experience a movie, especially from the horror genre. There are a lot of over-the-top moments in horror films. Whether it’s scary, funny, or psychologically mind-blowing, those feelings can be intensified.”
Our point? Prepare yourself. Especially if you’re into films that exert a strong emotional impact, when watching movies while high you’re probably going to feel those feels far more than you normally would. Pro tip: Watch slasher movies with some friends or loved ones!
Watching Movies High: The Importance of Setting the Scene
Of course, choosing which movie to watch is only one part of the equation. The environment in which you watch it plays a big role in creating the perfect atmosphere. While sitting in a darkened theater with a massive screen and a blasting sound system is a singular experience, when you’re at home, it’s best to focus on comfort, coziness, and convenience. For instance:
- Get cozy. Load your sofa with extra pillows and blankets; you never can be too cozy!
- Make it dark. Do your best to block out outside light by closing the curtains or watching at night. Believe it or not, being in the dark not only intensifies the emotional cues of whatever we’re viewing, but it actually helps us see better, too.
- Consider sound quality. Can you route the sound output from your TV, laptop, or other viewing device through a stereo or other high-quality sound system? According to Professor Daniel Levitin of McGill University, music— and more broadly sound—exerts an unusually powerful response in our brain’s dopamine reward system: “Music combined with marijuana tends to produce feelings of euphoria and connectedness to the music and the musicians.”
Why? One of dopamine’s primary roles is to chemically reinforce gratifying behavior. Just like being in the dark, absorbing music when you’re high intensifies the emotional response we’re wired to receive from sound.
So, while you possibly can’t (and probably shouldn’t) try to recreate the high-powered sound system of a commercial movie theater, playing the film’s audio back through a decent sound system is one of the best (and easiest) ways to amplify the overall experience.
Snacktime! What to Eat When Watching Movies High
As we’ve reported before, the munchies are (very definitely) real. Being high can make us feel hungrier than we might otherwise feel. Not only that, but THC enhances our perception of the smell and taste of certain foods, too, making some treats simply irresistible while high.
Check out our guide to the best foods to eat while high.
Picking the Right Strain for Movie Time
We’ve written before on the topic of indica vs sativa strains, and how these terms—while imperfect—are a good way to anticipate the effects of ingesting a specific strain of cannabis.
To refresh your memory, indica strains (or indica-leaning hybrid strains) are generally described as delivering a deeply relaxing “body high,” while sativa strains (or sativa-leaning hybrid strains) are characterized as being more cerebrally stimulating, even energizing.
Of course, we all react to cannabis somewhat differently, so these descriptions aren’t bulletproof. Still, they offer some helpful guidance. If you’re looking to shed stress and drop down into sedative sensations, go with a classic indica such as a classic Kush. If, on the other hand, you’re seeking a more social, bubbly experience, think about exploring a sativa (or sativa-leaning hybrid) such as Jack Herer.
Given the breadth and width of the incredible cannabis choices available, the best idea might be to visit the nearest Green Goods location and ask your friendly budtender for a suggestion. From old standbys to up-and-coming contenders, we’re confident you’ll find something new and exciting to sample as you settle in for movie night!
6 Best Movies to Watch High Right Now: The List
With all that background info dispensed with, it’s time to crack into our picks for the best movies to watch when high. Some you may recognize, some may be left-field choices, and—we hope—some will expand your horizons. Without further ado, let’s crack in:
1. Dune
Frank Herbert’s sci-fi classic has been remade several times, but never in such mind-bending fashion. Dark, mind-bending, even awe-inspiring, it’ll leave you unsettled but wanting more.
2. Have a Good Trip: Adventures in Psychedelics
Okay, okay: No surprise we’d pick this one. But with an A-list cast exploring the highs (and lows) of taking hallucinogens through storytelling, animations, and reenactments, it’s hard to think of a more entertaining way to do some gentle couch tripping with friends.
3. Chicken Run
Resigned to a dull life of egg-laying, a plucky band of English chickens find their world turned upside-down when a cocky American rooster shows up to inspire them to find a better life. Sound a bit…well, stoney? Not only is Chicken Run the top-grossing stop-motion animation film ever made, but it’s genuinely hilarious, wacky, and sly.
4. Soul Plane
When main character Nashawn wins a lawsuit against the airline that killed his pet, he decides to start his own airline that caters to Black clientele. Join the crew for this raucous maiden voyage and get ready for your sides to ache.
5. Monty Python and the Holy Grail
Trippy, strange, and utterly absurd, this 1975 Renaissance-style romp is widely regarded as one of the funniest films ever made. The jokes come fast, furious, and strange. Watching it while high is (and will forever be) an unforgettable experience.
6. Inception
In this mind bending sci-fi action film, a thief with the rare ability to enter people’s dreams is tasked with planting an idea into the mind of a CEO, while we’re brought through a thrilling ride full of espionage and intrigue. Inception is both heady and engaging, making it a great choice for your next session.
Watching Movies While High: That’s a Wrap!
We sincerely hope this post has given you some food for thought for the (not so) serious topic of “which movies to watch high.” Because while here at Green Goods we’re big believers in the power of medical cannabis to change people’s lives for the better, we’re all about kicking back and goofing off with friends and family the all-natural way!
If you’re looking for great cannabis products or just some inspiration, the nearest Green Goods location in Maryland or Minnesota is just a click away! Have any other questions about good movies to watch high, what types of cannabis products pair well with movie-watching—or any other cannabis-related topics—just drop us a line. We’re here to help!!