If you’re curious about the world of cannabis, you may already have heard of the OG Kush strain—a cannabis with a celebrated lineage. The original Kush cannabis strain hails from the mountainous lands of the Hindu Kush, where it’s been renowned since time immemorial for its relaxing effects. But did you know that this potent flower may also be a powerful tool for fighting stress and chronic pain?
In today’s post, we’ll share everything we know about the OG Kush strain, one of the most legendary in the entire cannabis pantheon. By the time you’re finished, you’ll have a solid grounding in the strains of OG Kush’s family and how this remarkable plant can help you unwind and potentially address some otherwise tough-to-address symptoms.

The OG Kush Strain: An Introduction to a Cannabis Legend
Ever since its creation roughly thirty years ago, OG Kush has risen to become one of the cannabis world’s favorite and most well-known strains.
A strain, by the way, is simply a name for a subtype of a plant bred for specific characteristics. While botanists and plant breeders tend to prefer the term “cultivar”—or “cultivated variety”—the use of “strain” is common in the cannabis world. A little later on, we’ll talk about some of the other strains of OG Kush that cultivators have developed in the last few years.
What strain is OG Kush? For one thing, it’s a strain with a story. As the tale goes, the strain dates back to the early 1990s when a grower in Florida crossed a variety of plants to create this now-famous hybrid. Mixing the unforgettable aromas of diesel fuel, earthy funk, lemon, and spice—the characteristic signature of the OG Kush strain’s terpenes, or aromatic oils—the strain is technically a hybrid, meaning that it combines aspects of both indica and sativa plants together.
As we’ve discussed previously, indica and sativa are the primary subtypes of cannabis. While there’s disagreement as to how botanically accurate these terms are, our experience here at Green Goods is that they’re useful tools for describing some of the cannabis plant’s most common effects. Sativas are often described as being uplifting, energizing, and cerebrally stimulating. Indicas, on the other hand, are categorized as imparting a heavy, relaxing state.
OG Kush cannabis might have remained just a local phenomenon in Florida. But that changed when famed grower Matt “Bubba” Berger brought a plant out to Los Angeles. Wowed by the strain’s potency—which could top 25% and was considered quite potent at the time—West Coasters soon elevated OG Kush to a place of, pardon the pun, “High Honor.” As such, spinoff strains of OG kush include many of the cannabis world’s favorites including GSC (Girl Scout Cookies), Headband, Bubba Kush, and others still.

Characteristics of OG Kush: The Taste of a Legend
A moment ago, we mentioned some Kush characteristics: Those telltale aromas of diesel fuel, earthy funk, and other scents. Now let’s take a moment to dive a bit deeper into the sensory experiences this legendary strain inspires.
Visually, the OG Kush strain is nothing if not striking, with dense, bright green buds speckled with bright orange or rust-colored pistils, the hairlike structures that signify female plants. You may also see a signature frost that often appears as a silvery coating of dust. Observed with a magnifying lens, this coating is actually made up of trichomes: minuscule, clear, mushroom-shaped glands. These glands do the heavy lifting of the cannabis plant, producing aromatic terpenes (mainly to repel pests) as well as cannabinoids: THC, CBD, CBN, CBG, and others still.
The cannabinoids—sometimes thought of as the “major active ingredients” in cannabis—are powerful medicines that interface with a bodily network called the endocannabinoid system. We’ve written about it before, and we urge you to get familiar with it as it’s the all-important “gateway” between the cannabis plant and us.
So…what about those famed Kush cannabis aromas and flavors? As we mentioned before, the OG Kush strain (and many of its offshoots) are known for a distinctive sensory profile, often incorporating the scents of diesel fuel, earthy funk, lemon, and spice. These are all characteristic of a blend of the terpenes myrcene and limonene, which OG Kush features in abundance.
Myrcene is often known as “the mother of all terpenes” thanks to its central role as a precursor to and synergizer of other terpenes. You can read more about this essential terpene here.
Limonene, as the name suggests, imparts a bright and cheerful citrus aroma, as well as some demonstrated mood-boosting and other beneficial effects. The second most prevalent terpene by weight in cannabis, limonene is an important player in the cannabis ecosystem. You can learn more about it here.
Uses of OG Kush: A Potent Blend of Possible Mind-Body Effects
What are some of the ways you might use the OG Kush strain? One of the keys to its universal appeal may lie in its hybrid genetics. Given that indicas are associated with relaxing body effects and sativas with cerebral stimulation, OG Kush’s best-loved characteristics—an energizing euphoria mixed with a flood of full-body relaxation—typify both of these major cannabis subtypes. That’s one reason so many of us turn to the Kush strains to help melt away stress and anxiety. In fact, a survey of patients found that a group of consumers ranked strains of OG Kush in three of the top four anxiety-reducing strain choices.
That said, OG Kush’s potency deserves a cautionary note. Because of its high levels of THC, those wishing to combat anxious feelings are advised to “start low, go slow.” Because an excess of THC can actually exacerbate symptoms of anxiety, it’s best to approach OG Kush (or any other high-THC strain) with care.
Kush Cannabis: Explore This Strain Family Today
We hope today’s post has shed light on the strains of OG Kush, a plant that may rank as the most beloved in cannabis history. And whether you use it as a support for specific symptoms, a boost to your overall wellness, or just an all-natural way to unwind with friends and family, we’re committed to helping you get the most value and enjoyment from your cannabis purchases.
If you’re interested in trying the OG Kush strain for yourself, we’d like to help! Start by finding your nearest Green Goods location to learn about the products available in your state. And if you have any other questions about Kush characteristics or any other cannabis-related topics, just ask! We’re always here to help.
Please note that qualifying conditions vary by state, and the information relating to qualifying conditions may not apply to cannabis patients in all states. Product availability also varies based on state program restrictions and rules, so the products discussed may not be available in all states. Be sure to check with your local Green Goods location about the products available in your state!